In Love With Love

In Love With Love

It was probably in the Fall of 1972.  It was a beautiful day and I was riding around in a van, the van driver – who had a route to drive to pick people up at work or appointments, do errands – was a beautiful young man with long flowy hair with whom I was in a very new and wonderful relationship.  I had recently had a near death experience, causing my outlook and perspective to be far more expansive and grateful than normal. Also causing my heart  to be more spread on the wind than confined to the cramped space of the body.

We rode in silent appreciation.  As I write this, about 43 years later, I can feel the memory of sun shining on my face through the windshield. I was happy to be alive and breathing in every morsel of life.  I was in a moment of perfect peace and I was in love.

Into my mind came the thought that I needed to completely embrace and imprint my state of being on my soul for future Resurrection.  I knew at that moment that the overwhelming sense of love and well being I was experiencing was independent of the man I thought was causing the experience.  I knew that I needed to save and memorize and incorporate that feeling so that I could summon it in the future, when he was gone. And I knew also in that moment, that he would be gone. Soon.  I might have been heartbroken but the love I felt was too infilling for the chasm to be felt.  My revelation made every intake of breath an exercise in overwhelming love and every exhale an infinite flow of gratitude.

A very short time later my love’s ex confronted me to tell me that she was pregnant and that she wanted him in her life and her baby’s life.  Essentially, she enlisted me.  When he came back, I sent him to her.  I helped free him to go to her which he did… sadly and happily.

It is very hard to put into words the way I felt.  The “high road” is a very high road.  I was in one of the highest states I have ever been in and what’s more I knew it was a state to be called upon in the future. I knew my revelation about love had been the gift of this relationship and no relationship – of any duration – has taught me a bigger lesson about love. It was a state of perfect understanding.

Back on the earth plane, it was an odd feeling. I had acted with perfect love and the natural reaction to that seemed to be to share that love with someone else.. but he was not there and so there was a gap – but a still full one – where I began to learn how to feel that love without an object for it.  It is difficult to know how to express love like that – we have love so confused with people that it takes some new learning to feel it as one.  To express it as one. To one. With one.  And with the allness of one.

Although I have been involved in subsequent relationships and have a wonderful husband I know that the being in love does not require another person but it can encompass any other people and all other people and this is a love no one can take from us. It is a love for Humanity, Universe and Source. I think that human-to-human love is a small sample of the possibility of love with and from Source, the love that is all that’s left if you remove everything else. The love that the universe is made of, if you align with it. Of course, it’s no easy task. I haven’t perfected in in these 43 years but that benchmark that I was given, that reference point that I can go back to when I’m my best self, that’s the stuff to live for and I do manage to experience it – for at least a brief visit – almost every day.

Be still and know that you are loved. Be still and know that you are love. Be still, my love. We are one.


The God Molecule & Me

5-MeO-DMT aka Bufo Toad Medicine is also known as the God or Spirit molecule.

This is an attempt to describe an indescribable experience, one that happened on a different level than language does so it will not be precise,

This was done in ceremony with a very serious and experienced shaman. It was not “recreational”.  My goal was (as always) to see God. (Please realize that my definition of God does not include any personified entity who rules the universe. My definition of God is the stuff the universe is made of and includes all of us. That’s what I thought last week. What I know now is that this is true but what I saw of it before was just a hint, just an arrow to a hint to a clue. Oh my god. I had no idea.

I am not going to go into all the ritual details, though set and setting which is always important was perfect. I was instructed how to inhale and hold in the smoke to the count of 10 while reclining from a sitting position.

Before I hit 10 and as I hit the pillow the bottom dropped out of the world. There was no “under me” or above me”. I did not see the people with me. I saw , first a crystalline shaped structure which I realized later was not the shape I was seeing but the shape I was seeing through and moved into it at which point, I was there. There was no more shape or external environment. There was no house around me and there was no me. There was a stageringly huge expanse of universe (?). There was beauty and color and organic motion. There was no me and it. We were all. The magnitude of it was completely overwhelming. It was inside of me and outside of me. There was a tonal sound as loud as sound can be in the silence. There was the sensation of fast, speeding motion during total stillness and going no place because there was no other place. All of time from the beginning to the end (neither of which probably exist) was happening now. Space had no meaning. IT, the all in all, was made of love. This is GOD and I am it as we alll are it as we all are each other. Total oneness.

I fully understood the notion of “wakening from the illusion of separateness” but not in thoughts, or word connected thoughts. There were none of those. There was wordless, thoughtless, loving consciousness. Everyone who had ever lived or would ever live was here. All of us “alive” now were here. Here was all there was. Here is all there is. The perfection of light and color and oneness. The complete absence of ego. The knowledge that to hurt you is to literally hurt me and that there is not anything to be hurt about anyway.

The earth plane happenings that we get so invested in are like grime on the window to God. For us as humans these cannot be disregarded completely. I don’t mean to dishonor anyone’s suffering. We do suffer as human beings but that is such a tiny part of who we are. All of our lost children, on either side of the veil, are fine and perfect. Nothing else is possible.

As thoughts began to come to me again I realized that I had to decide if I wanted to keep breathing or not. I had to remember to breathe while I decided. I knew with absolute certainty that I would be in the same place whether or not I continued to breathe and that it mattered not at all which decision I chose. “I think I want to keep breathing.” I said. “I’m not sure why and I know it doesn’t matter but I think I have more to do here”. The Shaman said to me “I can breathe for you if you need me to”. (Later I was told that this conversation did not happen in ear-hearable words. Nevertheless, it is what I said and heard”. The next point I felt a light breath on my face and a voice saying “breathe”. I did.

As I began to come back to earth all I could say was: “Oh. My. God. I had no idea.”  It was all I could say for quite a while.  Then I switched to “Holy Shit! What holy holy shit!”  All other thoughts were just laughable, like “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?” which I said and sent myself into hysterics. I recalled some lines from the Messiah’s Handbook in Illusions which said,

“Take your dying with some seriousness, however. Laughing on the way to your execution is not generally understood by less advanced life forms, and they’ll call you crazy.”

It was kind of difficult, in a pleasurable and ease filled way, to reintegrate. I went through the rest of the day as usual I think except that I knew it was just a sort of overlay on reality. I completely loved and appreciated the people around me. Everything was a little brighter than usual and I still feel like I must look like a light bulb and can’t imagine why people aren’t being blinded by it. Apparently I still look like me and why not? I was always the whole universe whether I knew it or not.

This may be edited or changed the next time you see it. I am still trying to squeeze it into the form of words which are so inadequate for it. I am still trying to assimilate it and I am still pissed if you cut me off in traffic, but only for a moment and knowing even then that it matters not at all.

Another quote was very relevant to my experience. It is the synopsis of the whole Course in Miracles:

“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” Herein lies the peace of God.”

I know this to be completely true today.

The main thing that I want people to know and that I want to remember is that we are all integrated parts of a perfect being and our parts have this human veneer.  The veneer can get pretty tricky and feel really serious and on the level it lives, it is but it lives, as I said, as a smudge on the window to God.

I always thought that Namaste’ meant that the Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you. Now I realize it means that I recognize what I am in you and what you are in me. We are the Divine we recognize.

For what it’s worth, and with all my love,



Can you question the unquestionable?

When I was about 10 years old I walked into the lobby of a Methodist church, fearfully, rebelliously and excitedly, and waited. I physically braced myself as you do before a car crash. I stood perfectly still. Nothing happened. After a while I worked up the nerve to walk through the lobby into the sanctuary and stood there for a few minutes. Nothing  happened. Finally I breathed and checked the place out.

What I had been waiting for was the wrath of a God I didn’t totally believe in anymore but was still very conditioned to. I had been heavily imprinted with the idea that going into a non-Catholic church was sin and God would get me for it. I had expected something like being struck by lightening.

Another ten years passed and I found myself being pro-choice because it was “what I believed in”. (I have always been very passionate about my beliefs and I would fight over them with you, just like today’s useless FB fights over issues). Looking back I can see how I became pro-choice and it was not my own doing. The Spiritual Mentors of that time of my life were pro-choice and I can see now how I could have easily gone pro-life in different circumstances. (I’m sure that I would have come to a pro-choice stance eventually. Almost sure.)

I think that until we have questioned our values we don’t really have any. We have rules. Some of the rules are so ingrained that we call them values but until we have looked at all sides and owned a perspective for our own, we are only rule followers (or breakers) not people with values.

Being ourselves, knowing ourselves, becoming ourselves involves reviewing all of our conditioning and deciding how we personally feel about it. Creating unity with others involves the same thing. Religion, patriotism, family, we’ve all been scripted with notions about these things, how they are and how they must be. It is only when we can ask the questions “What does this mean? What is the opposing principle? What do I feel about this?” that we can truly own our own values and grow into Unity with others whose beliefs will look much more different in the beginning than they do afterwards. Only by knowing ourselves will we know others and by knowing others we will better know ourselves (and we will always find, if we look hard enough that we have more in common with “the other” than we are different from them). This also grows compassion and an appreciation for our humanity and our divinity.

If you can take your most solid belief and hold it a mile away, listen to someone else’s WRONG opinion about it as if it might be true, and consider that opinion and how you might have gotten to that place yourself (none of which you have to admit out loud), you have the power to change the world and to be comfortable with yourself because your values will truly be yours (and they will change some over time even after you have studied them). This is what being open is. This is what being loving entails. This is knowing yourself.

You’ll do a lot better than I did if you can bypass the stage where you hate the people and institutions who gave you the “wrong” information. I started on this path when I was too young to understand it and it took me a long time to get it right. Love has to be involved, or at least compassion and when you are most resistant and defensive… you’re looking at the right stuff. You’re going to LOVE how you turn out. (Your family and some friends… maybe not so much.)

Namaste’ my lovlies.