I have always had an affinity for mobile homes. I can remember the day that I first heard the term mobile home. I was probably about 6. One of my mother’s friends had just bought one. I don’t remember her exact description but the energy was that it was a lesser being than a house. I also remember that the explanation included the fact that it had wheels on it (also a “lesser” vibe) . I couldn’t wait to see it. When we visited I thought it looked just like a house and then I found out that the wheels were going to be taken off and the mobile home would not be mobile. Devastating news for me.
Lived in a campground in Florida in a stationary trailer.
Moved to SC with a 17 foot trailer (model and details) I have wanted some kind of mobile home for as long as I can remember. In the summer of 1996 I got a 17 foot trailer (do model make, etc) and moved
Had a couple of shitty trailers, 5th wheel and motor home that never left the driveway.
Finally… in
Hi, Bunni. Can Ethan use a trailer with a boat on it?
Feb 18 – We talked to Ethan. He’s going to be back in a week and as soon as he is he will go get the boat, trailer and camper so let me know if there is any issue that needs to be dealt with for the camper
I am sure there’s got to be a title for someplace because Ed got South Carolina tags for it
You sent
Finally in September I registered and insured it.
It could not go on the road legally until it had new tail lights and this took months to get someone to do. Here’s where I started to screw up. I had fear. With a dream come true it was hard to face the idea that 1) I wasn’t really sure I could drive it and 2) It didn’t need a huge amount of work but it needed more than I knew how to deal with on a low budget. It’s not easy anymore to get things moved or fixed for a case of beer.
I drove it briefly and was surprised at how easy it was. Still a little nerve wracking but not nearly as big an issue as I had been concerned about.
Still it sat. A couple of people had promised to work on it but couldn’t get around to it. I knew quite a bit about RVs but not quite as much as I needed.
3/26 Brought RV home from Compton. Ken helped me clean off windows and adjust mirrors. I drove to the store and maybe somewhere else.
3/27 I drove around with Wade. We filled the tank, bought wipers,
3/30? Drove Goodwill, Vicki’s. Took Vicki and Ed for a ride.
3/31 Drove to Dr in N. Myrtle Beach
What day did I drive to Ethan’s house?
One day I didn’t drive at all. I think that was 4/1
4/2 Drove to Goddess Third Chakra event at McClean Park 28 miles plus another few going the wrong way!
4/3 Drove to Sonya’s to meet puppy and talked to her neighbor about my “house battery”. Then went to AutoZone and bought the battery. Drove to Goodwill and scored some good dyeables plus some other odds and ends. Tried to find someone to install the battery but had no luck. Kevin will be here Tuesday and can do it.
4/7 How could so many days have passed? Since last post I have hit a post in a parking lot and opened a corner of my rig to weather and bullshit. Needs fixing soon. I also scraped the paint off a parked car. That was more involved.. Police report, insurance reports and bullshit. Returned the battery I bought the next day got a better one ($200) and haven’t been able to get it installed. Kevin couldn’t do it. (not as in couldn’t be available but as in didn’t know how) Even when I did reach Justin and he came over he could not get it right. Texted Kirk but didn’t see his return text early enough. He says earliest he could do it is Friday. I’m going to try to talk to him in the AM and if he can do it Friday I’ll cancel my “Bend Over” Camping World tomorrow. (They charge $145 an hour and think this should take 30 – 60 minutes.
4/12 Never heard from Kirk. I’d really like to have him work on it but I’m clearly not a priority. I’m moving on and looking for someone else.
Talked to Johnnie Chiaramella and had a great chat. I was wondering what it would take to have a solar panel just to keep the house battery charged. He says he “might” be coming through this way in May and – if I’m willing to drive to Charleston, which I am – he can get me a great deal on the solar panel. Says he could do the whole thing for under $400. That would be awesome and totally
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